

Plastic Facts You Need to Know

We all know our planet is riddled with single use plastic, but just how bad is it? Animals are dying, ecosystems are being destroyed and humans are eating plastic infested fish, yet retail giants still won’t make the switch to plastic-free alternatives. These shocking facts really bring home the scary reality of how much damage we are doing to our Earth.


  1. Around 100,000 marine animals die every year due to plastic consumption. The plastic sits in their bellies taking up space and because they cannot digest the plastic, these animals end up starving to death.
  2. 32% of the world’s plastic doesn’t make it to landfill or a recycling plant; it goes straight into our oceans. That’s 24,960,000 tonnes of plastic waste flooding into the sea- the equivalent of one garbage truck worth of plastic being dumped into the ocean every minute.
  3. Every minute, 1 million plastic bottles are purchased world-wide. Only 7% of those are recycled; the rest either enter a landfill or an ocean.
  4. After a UK based research project, the researchers discovered that the average human consumes an average of 100 micro plastic fragments per meal. That adds up to around 70,000 fragments a year!
  5. 93% of Americans have positive test results of BPA in their bodies. BPA is a harmful chemical that is used in plastic production and has been known to alter human hormones and create a variety of illnesses and cancers.
  6. 85% of Australia’s soft plastic waste ends up in landfills around the country. It can take up to 1,000 years for plastics to decompose.
  7. As plastic breaks apart, it turns into tiny pieces which is hazardous for our marine life. They eat these small pieces of plastic and can die.
  8. Plastic straws are a large threat to our marine life. They get stuck in turtles’ noses and get lodged in the throats of larger fish species. Straws cannot be recycled, so it is up to us to remove the demand and say no to a straw in our drinks.
  9. China has banned Australia’s soft plastic imports. This means that plastic waste is not currently being recycled and more goes straight to landfill or our water ways. It is crucial, now more than ever, to reduce our soft plastic usage and take advantage of the readily available alternative products.


It’s obvious that plastic waste is a massive issue; not only in Australia but also world-wide. If we know plastic is bad for the Earth, the environment and our wild life, yet so many Australian’s are still actively involved in contributing to the demand of soft plastic wastes.

Please do your part in reducing the demand for single use plastic products by choosing reusable. Join us in the fight against plastic waste, one piece at a time.

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